"What If You SUDDENLY Realized Everything You Thought You Knew About Success Was A Lie?"

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* Dr. Alex Loyd, PhD, and Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, describe your secret success software.

* Teri Rose, Founder of The Success Codes’ Success Unlimited Program, describes how she put The Success Codes to the test to increase her income and earn a company car.

* Learn why "The Law of Attraction" as depicted in "The Secret" is not a conscious choice most of the time.

* Discover how sabotaging beliefs can keep you from achieving your goals.

* Find out why "will power" isn't enough.

* See for yourself how many others are Healing their Lives, Relationships and Finances, and finding Happiness.

* You will find resources we have developed for you by those who are dedicated to discovering ways to improve lives, health, and happiness.

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